26 years old

All this friends always make me laugh

Just came in and i wasn't drank that time!!

Its my birthday tomorow so we decided to go out lastnight. It was a goodnight actually.
Rod and me was there early and then ross,anna came in and some another friends came along
travis,mike, steven,vanessa,jo,ken and a Frence guy i cant remember name and maybe more i cant remember( thanks all of you to come for my birthday party) Jo and Ken brought me a Thai friend from work so she name Ae !we were speaking Thai alots and i went see her's boyfriend and her friends in another tent. She gave me whisky with Coke ( its not what i fancy but thanks anyway ) Ae's boyfreind said " its your birthday " Yes " i said " Well i'll pay you for tickets with Ae " so we were in another tent,dancing,drinking, and its was 2.30 am so i must go back anyway when i went back Rod was asking for me everywhere.Vanessa and Steven got home already. Rod and me decided to go back home , i wasn't drank but i was so tried. Its my 26 years birthday. I felt like i am 20 years old haha yes i really felt like 20 years old .