How many time

How manytime we have a bad time ?
How manytime we are crying ?
How manytime we have tear?
How manytime we are smile ?
How manytime you smile?
How manytime you really love someone?
How manytime we have someone come in life?
How manytime we want someone holding hand?kiss you and tell " I love you.
How manytime we have to stay lonely ?
How manytime we waiting for someone ? Someone can make you have a happy time, who can come in and make you have ferfect life.
How manytime we meet true love?
How manytime we can takecare true love ?
How manytime we let true love go ?
How love is maen for you and how much it mean to you ?
Yes, we want to see true love ,we want to holding hand with someone we love,we want to have a good time and badtime with someone we love .
We want to share a tear with someone we love.
We want to be happy with someone we love .
We want to spend the rent of life with someone we love and the one is true love for you .
And what else it doesn't metter. That what you can say it true love for you.
Its just the questions to make you think about it .
I do my best to see the best in my life and everybody happy to waiting for .